Pro-palestinian Demostrators Protest at McGill University Campus

April 29, 2024 Hour: 9:20 pm

On Monday, at the University of Mcgill, Canada, hundreds of students demonstrated on campus showing their support for Palestine and condemning the Israeli offensive, in addition to the position of Western countries regarding the genocide in Gaza.


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Although campus security forces demanded that they withdraw and banned them from staying outside the university, the demonstrators stood their ground and decided not to withdraw.

The authorities issued warnings to call the police, however, the pro-Palestinians did not withdraw from campus.

On the contrary, they set up tents, which have tripled since last Saturday, according to the informs published by the university of Mcgill.

 The text reads,

Hundreds of students demonstrate at McGill University in Canada calling for divestment from the Israeli genocide. Activists say the number of tents in the camp has doubled in 24 hours.

The protesters are not only students from the high school house, they are established in the protest, members of surrounding communities and human rights organizations.

An important point of protest is the financing of the arms industry, a sector in which the university invests thousands of dollars.

Canadian media and university authorities accused the demonstrators of having anti-Semitic and defiant attitudes against the authority but it was shown that the demonstrations have passed peacefully and without altercations.

Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: palestinahoy

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